Information Governance Assessment and Consulting

IG Assessment and Consulting by PCG

Integrity, Accuracy, and Completeness of Data is More Important Now Than Ever Before!





Integrity, Accuracy, and Completeness of Data

Healthcare organizations need the right information at the right time to make sound decisions regarding patient care and business growth. Now is the time to ensure trust in data to understand, track, and solve problems to create better health for all.


Primeau Consulting Group’s (PCG)’s Information Governance (IG) Assessment and Consulting Services help healthcare organizations make better decisions by assessing data and information, identifying sensitive information assets and developing a governance program to align with its strategic goals.


The PCG IG Online Assessment, with its 7 sections and 133 questions fosters discussion and collaboration among stakeholders to identify key steps in developing an Information Governance Program.

Good information governance relies on several priorities:

Our comprehensive and customizable assessment & services help:

Drive improved organization performance

Increase trust in the integrity of data

Improve data availability, demand, and security