Empower Your Staff: The Cost Of Not Investing In Your Workforce

Key points: The growing use of electronic health information systems, information technology (IT) and the Internet in healthcare increases the risk of security and privacy breaches, especially when it comes to release of information (ROI). Measures such as training and education for healthcare staff are required to effectively protect patient information. Microcredentials can help HI professionals develop specialized skills.


The use of electronic health information systems, new technologies and the Internet in healthcare has rapidly increased in recent years. This technological progress provides great benefits, but it also increases privacy and security risks.


Health information thefts and data security breaches are growing. “An unwanted record was set in 2023 with 725 large security breaches in healthcare reported to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR), beating the record of 720 healthcare security breaches set the previous year.”


(source: https://www.hipaajournal.com/security-breaches-in-healthcare/)


With the higher risk of healthcare data breaches, healthcare organizations have to take measures. More must be done than achieving the minimum cybersecurity standards.


One of the cybersecurity measures that will have the greatest impact on data security is training and education of healthcare staff. Healthcare workers need to be aware of their responsibilities to protect the privacy of individuals, of confidentiality of information, and of the security of IT resources.

According to Stanford research, human error accounts for up to 88% of data breaches. If employees are not properly trained, they can become the weakest link in the security chain.


Educating your workforce reduces the risk of cyberattacks. Investing in your staff helps you to save money in the long run. This includes continuous training measures as the complex field of cybersecurity is constantly changing.


(source: https://securitytoday.com/articles/2022/07/30/just-why-are-so-many-cyber-breaches-due-to-human-error.aspx)


In health information, things are constantly changing. Employees involved with electronic health records and coding need to adapt to keep up.


Microcredentials can help HI professionals develop specialized skills. “In HIM careers, where specialized skills in health information management, data analysis, privacy regulations, or health informatics are essential, microcredentials can provide targeted training to enhance proficiency in these areas. Microcredentials can also help HI professionals keep up with change by continuously developing new, relevant skills.”


(source: https://journal.ahima.org/page/microcredentials-bring-big-opportunities-to-health-information-professionals-employers)


Primeau Consulting Group offers education and the test code to be able to obtain that microcredential. Visit us at https://primeauconsultinggroup.com/


The best defense against cyber threats is an educated workforce.


Information technology security and privacy training should be an integral part of healthcare staff education to prevent potential breaches and protect patient information.


HI staff education is more crucial than ever. Investing in training and education programs can significantly mitigate the risk posed by digital threats.











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